For example, "How old are you?" Answer "I will be two years old in a few months" "If you know those Missins?" Answer "I see more" See more? Nine lamas wanted to curse their mother at that time. Then he asked, "What is the undead? How did you learn thisContinue Reading

The Changquan Sect is a small sect in the vicinity, but there are only hundreds of people. This time, the Qing army launched a massive attack on Tianjing and saw that Tianjing was in jeopardy. Those sects all rushed to the Qing court to help boxing slogans regardless of theirContinue Reading

“也是大小姐笄了不知道有没有订亲事?” 乔乔抬眸一双乌黑眼晴亮又美丽“亲事?我还小呢不着急多玩几年再说” 她极随性然不在乎别人想法 将军夫人没想到她是这样想法有些着急“话可不能这么说男大当婚女大当嫁阴阳调和才是正道有一个知冷知热体贴夫君你才白什么是幸福” “哦”乔乔已经猜到了几分态度不冷不热 将军夫人笑满面说道“我家大儿从小聪伶俐不到冠就考中了秀才被知府夸少年英才虽说他将来是要继承家业须考功名但他能这么出息我特别高兴” 乔乔嘴角抽了抽不过是个秀才就这么高兴她期望值也太低了 好歹订个比较远大目标比如状元探花啊 一个秀才都拿出来吹嘘可见事有限 她凉凉应酬了一句“望成龙望女成凤人常情” 住在人家家里她并不想撕破脸皮望对方知难而退 要是不识趣她也不是好惹 将军夫人也不知道有没有听出来笑更加热情“大小姐真是善解人意我一看到您就喜欢不得了恨不得天天亲近永远不分呢” 她差说留来给她当儿媳妇吧 有婆媳才会天天见面呢 乔乔语望天她一点都不喜欢好吗?“不现实我过几天就走” Chapter 117 The king of ice Her attitude is that she keeps people away. But the general’s wife directly ignored the sparkling eyes "to Beijing? Why don’t you let my son escort you backContinue Reading

Gu boss grabbed the car keys and walked towards the building. Thirty minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of Mei Se. Gu Boshang handed the car keys to the doorman, stepped forward and retreated. The welcoming security guard looked at him strangely, looked at his feet and asked,Continue Reading

"no problem" Rose nodded heavily, which may be dangerous, but she told Tang Yi that she was willing to try. Called back the beauty snake after Tang Yi, and shared the information again. "According to the intelligence, Satan Bruce has a real estate project here, which was repurchased through aContinue Reading